Monday, May 24, 2010

How do I RSVP and/or pay for a group event?

Before You Get Started

Not all events require RSVP and of those that do, not all are paid events. Group leaders have discretion over event options, and may choose to allow or disable "maybe" RSVPs.

Jumpstart Instructions

To RSVP to an event:

* Go to my groups > [group name] > events.
* Click "RSVP to this event" under the desired event.
* Choose the "Yes," "No," or "Maybe" radio button.
* Complete the required information. Some events require a certain number of sign-ups per party.
* Enter your comment if desired.
* Click "Process RSVP."
* If payment is required, you'll be taken to a page where you can pay by credit card or PayPal.

The Nitty Gritty

Event Options

If you RSVP "yes," depending on the set-up of the event, you may have options like:

* Guest types and price
* Items to bring
* Tasks or volunteer shifts you can/must sign up for
* Items you can purchase (raffle tickets, T-shirts, etc.)

Depending on the settings selected by the event creator, you may be required to sign up for certain items or shifts. You also may be limited in the number of guests in your party, items you may purchase, etc. Please contact a group leader or event coordinator for questions about these limits.


Each event creator can decide whether to allow refunds for paid items. All refunds are processed by the group, not by BigTent. Please contact a group leader or event coordinator for information about refunds.
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