You'll find a list of all your bookmarks at my bigtent > bookmarks. Content in your bookmarked items that is new or has been updated will be marked with a "new" icon. If there's been an update to one of your bookmarks, you'll also be notified with an alert in the Greetings Box.
Before You Get Started
Bookmarks update you when content is changed or added. You can bookmark almost any content on BigTent, including forum topics, classifieds listings, and calendar events.
Jump Start Instructions
To add a bookmark:
- Navigate to the content you wish to follow.
- Click "Bookmark now" at the top of the page.
- Or, when adding a comment to a forum topic, you can bookmark that topic by checking the "Bookmark" box.
Visual Aid
Can't see the video above? Click here to view it on YouTube:
The Nitty Gritty
Automatic bookmarks
All content you create is automatically bookmarked:
- If you email a comment in to a particular forum topic, that topic will automatically be bookmarked.
- All topics, calendar events, and classifieds listings that you create are automatically added to your bookmarks.
Deleting bookmarks
- Go to my bigtent > bookmarks.
- Check the box next to each bookmark you would like to remove.
- Click "Save changes" at the bottom of the page.
To change how you are updated by your bookmarks:
- Go to my bigtent > bookmarks.
- Choose your desired notification option on a per-bookmark basis.
- Or, click "Edit settings" to change your default bookmark settings.
If there's been an update to one of your bookmarks, you'll always be notified with an alert in the Greetings Box. You'll also see updates to any of your bookmarked items on the "my bookmarks" page, at my bigtent > bookmarks. Content in your bookmarked items that is new or has been updated will be marked with a "new" icon.