Before You Get Started
You will only be able to use the Reviews feature if your group's leaders have enabled it. Group leaders can enable the feature by going to manage > Reviews.
Jump Start Instructions
Post a Review of a product or service:
* Go to my groups > [group name] > reviews
* Enter product or business in the search area.
* Click on the desired listing. If it does not appear in the results, click "Add listing" to create a new listing, then continue with the steps below.
* Under "Write a Review," check the box of the group(s) with which you'd like to share your review.
* Enter your review in the box, choose a star rating, and click "Submit your Review."
Please note: Depending on your group's settings, your review or listing could be held for moderation by a group admin.
The Nitty Gritty
Searching for your desired product or service
Before you add your review, you'll need to first find the listing.
* At the top of the page, Enter the name of the product or business and the city, state, or zip. You can also use the drop-down to constrain results to just products or just services.
*If your desired product or service is listed, and has been reviewed by other members of your group(s), it will appear at the top of the results with the average star rating. If it hasn't been reviewed yet, but is listed, you'll see a prompt to "Write a Review."
*If you can't find your listing in the search results, click "Add a listing."
Adding a new listing
You'll want to add a new listing if you can't find your the product or service you wish to review in the search results, or if you want to add your own business for other group members to review.
* Click "Add a listing" (see above).
* Specify whether this listing is a service or a product. The fields will change to match your choice.
* Enter required information such as the category and location.
* Click "add more details..." to reveal more fields such as store hours and price range, and to add photos.
* For services, you can indicate if the business provides a group discount. If it is a member-owned business, start typing in the owner/member's name (or screenname if your group does not share names) and choose the member from the results that appear. If you are the business owner, enter your name.
* Depending on your group's settings, you may be able to decide if you'd like to share the listing with other groups.
* Add your review if desired.