Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why do I see "You do not have any groups" when I click on "my groups"?

If you see the message "You do not have any groups" on the my groups page, or if you can't find your group on the my bigtent page, it's likely like you haven't successfully completed your enrollment or renewal with your group on BigTent. Follow these steps to get going on the site:

* Go to the my bigtent page. You'll see a reminder to continue with your enrollment or renewal. Once you click on the link, you will be launched into the enrollment or renewal process.

NOTE: If you don't see an enrollment or renewal reminder, it is possible that your enrollment or renewal invitation has expired. In this case, contact your group administrator to request a new invitation.

* Complete the steps for enrollment. Learn about the enrollment process in this handy FAQ: What is the enrollment process like for new members?

* If your group does not need to approve memberships nor collect membership payments or if you pay by credit card or through PayPal, you'll be able to complete your enrollment / renewal on the spot.
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