Monday, May 24, 2010

Overview: Files

Groups can store files, such as documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, audio files, and even videos, in the Files section. There is no limit to the number of files a group can store, although the size limit per file is 20MB. Files can be emailed out to the whole group through either the Forums or News.

How do I download a file?

* Go to my groups > [group name] > files to see a list of downloadable files.
* Search for the file, or click a tag in the left column to narrow the results.
* Click "download" to download the file of your choice.

The file will automatically be downloaded to your desktop, or your computer might ask what you would like to do with the file.

If you belong to multiple groups, you can see all your groups' files by going to the "my groups" menu and selecting "View all." Then choose the "files" tab. Here you'll see all files posted by any of your groups on BigTent. Each file is color-coded according to its group to help you easily identify to which group each file belongs.

Can I search for a file?

To search for a file, go to the Files area and enter your search terms on the left hand side of the page. Click "Search." Be sure to click "Reset" when you are finished searching to reveal all files again.

You can also click on a category tag to see files that match that description. Learn more about sorting files here: How do I sort files?

To add a file:

* Go to my groups > [group name] > files and click "Add a file."
* Complete the required information and select your file from your computer.
* Choose with whom to share the file.
* Click "Upload.

To send a file:

* Add your file per the instructions above.
* Right-click "Download" next to the file name.
* Select "Copy Shortcut" or "Copy Link Location." (Exact text will depend on the Web browser you use.)
* Go to your group's forum and start a topic, or create a news announcement.
* Right click in the message area and choose "Paste" to paste your file's link location.

The Nitty Gritty

File Tags

Add Tags to keep your files organized. For example, you could use the tag "Meeting Minutes" to store your group's minutes. Then, any files with this tag will be accessible by members who click on that category tag on the left side of the Files page. Learn more about tags here: What are tags and where can I use them on BigTent?

Sending Files

When you post your forum topic or send a news blast, it will go out via email to your members (depending on their forum notification settings) and the link will appear in the topic. When the member clicks the link, the file will be available for download without the need to navigate back to BigTent.
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