BigTent's group Classifieds area makes it easy to post items for sale and clear clutter from your house, or to search for used gear sold by people you trust.
How do I find classifieds listings that interest me?
OPTION 1: You can search by keyword or listing type at my group > [group name] > classifieds > search & browse.
OPTION 2: If you can't find a specific item you're looking for, use BigTent’s notification system to ping you when it becomes available.
- Go to settings > email options > classifieds.
- Enter keywords for the item you're seeking in the field provided.
- You can then choose to get updates via email, in your Blink, or on BigTent when a matching listing is posted.
OPTION 3: You can also daily digest of classifieds listings.
- Go to settings > email options > classifieds.
- Check the box next to the name of your group.
- Click "Update."
OPTION 4: To receive every new classifieds listing via email at the time it's posted.
- Go to settings > email options > classifieds, or click this link:
- Next to "For all other new listings, notify me by" select "Email."
- Click "Update."