Monday, May 24, 2010

Where do I go to sell an item or post a Classified listing?

Jumpstart Instructions

To create a listing:

* Go to my groups > [group name] > classifieds and click "Post a listing."
* Add the listing type, category, title, and description.
* Add optional information such as price, location, your contact info, notification options, listing expiration, and sharing with other groups.
* Click "Add more details" to add photos, condition, payment information, and tags.
* Click "Add listing."

Post a classified listing via email

If you're short on time, you can email a post into the classifieds. To post an item via email:

* Find your group's classifieds email address. Go to my groups > [group name] > classifieds and click "View classifieds email address."

* Compose a new email message to this address. The subject line will become the title of your post. Be sure to include the name and description of the item, the listing type (e.g., for sale, for trade, looking to borrow, etc.), and the price (if applicable) in the body of your message.

* Send your message. Your post will appear in your group's Classifieds area in the category "mixed bag."

Extending your classified listing

You can edit any of the information on your listing at a later date. However, once your listing has posted, you can move the expiration date to today or to three or seven days from now. By default, listings are active for 30 days. However, you can select an active time period between two and 60 days when creating your listing.

Categories and Tags

If your listing doesn't match one of the pre-set categories, please choose either the closest type, "mixed bag," or "other." Then include descriptive tags that will make it easier for people to find your listing. Learn more about tags here: What are tags and where can I use them on BigTent?

Managing Offers

If you posted an item, you will be contacted via the preference (email or phone) stated in your listing when someone wants to make an offer or comment or ask a private question.

You may also receive offers, comments, and questions through BigTent. These will all be emailed to you, unless you chose to get responses to your listing in your Blink or on the Web.

If you are interested in a Classifieds item, you can see how many offers it has received in the "Comments/Offers" column at my groups > [group name] > classifieds > search & browse. You cannot see offer details unless you're viewing your offer or your own listing
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