To edit your listing:
* Go to my groups > [group name] > classifieds > my listings.
* Click the title of the listing to open.
* Click the "Edit" link.
* Make your edits, then don't forget to save your changes.
To change when your listing expires:
* Go to my groups > [group name] > classifieds > my listings.
* Click the title of the listing to open.
* Click the "Change status" box.
* Select your new expiration date. It can either be now, in three days, or in seven days.
* Save your changes.
NOTE: Listings that appear in classifieds digests will reflect your changes. If you edit your listing within 24 hours of posting, the listing will have a time stamp that shows when you updated the post. If you edit your listing more than 24 hours after posting, it will appear in a separate digest section for edited posts.
To remove your own Classifieds listing:
* Go to my groups > [group name] > classifieds > my listings.
* Click the title of the listing to open.
* Check the "Change status" checkbox.
* Change your listing status to "Closed," or edit the date on which you want your listing to expire.
* Don't forget to save your changes.
To remove someone else's Classifieds listing (for admins and moderators only)
* Click on the listing you would like to remove.
* Check the "Moderate" box.
* Check the box to remove the listing.
* Click "Submit."