Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How do I deactivate my BigTent account or remove myself from BigTent?

You can deactivate your BigTent account at any time. This action will remove you from all your BigTent groups and will remove your profile from our system. You will no longer have access to BigTent or any groups' content. If you decide to join or re-join a BigTent group in the future, you will need to create a new account, and may be required to pay for a membership fee if required by the group.

To deactivate your BigTent account, simply follow these steps:

* Sign in to BigTent.
* Go to my bigtent > settings > deactivate account.
* Click "Deactivate Account."
* Once you confirm that you want to deactivate account, you will be removed from BigTent and your memberships in all of your groups will be terminated immediately.

Please note: This action cannot be undone. Please use caution when deactivating your BigTent account, as all of your information will be lost and we will not be able to restore it for you.
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